Saturday, January 31, 2009

High Hopes for February!

So, here goes. I've been lax about posting because I have not lost a pound in 2 weeks! My diet is not the best, but I have been keeping up with my exercise. I'm going to get my diet in check starting February 1st . Yes, I know it's Super Bowl Sunday......ribs, pizza,'s already in my house ready to go. Game plan: start the day light and watch what I eat during the game. Everything in moderation, right? Did I ever mention my husband can eat that stuff and he is SKINNY? He knows when to stop though. I'm missing that OFF button for some reason....

I've decided that I will run a 5K this summer. My 10 year old talked me into it. There is NO WAY I'm going to get out there and start training now in the snow. I have a couple neighbors who run religously - temperature and weather aside. I admire them for it, but you won't catch me out there. Guess I'll just keep working on increasing my endurance on the elliptical until it gets warmer. Any other 5k training suggestions?


Tonya said...

Don't blame you about the Super Bowl. It could be a last hurrah! A 5K run...more power to you...I would rather have a hot poker stabbed in my eye than run. LOL Will be praying for ya! Keep up the good work.


SexDrgsPoker said...

Yep I managed to gain a whopping 10 POUNDS between Thursday 1/29 and the end of SuperBowl weekend. I've lost 8 of that back since then, but YIKES. Such variations don't seem possible.

BTW: I've had some unsuccessful posts to other weight loss blogs/sites the past couple weeks: one site edited my post and removed all my links, another site never approved me as a member, and a third site didn't even bother to approve a comment even though it had invited comments with links in them.

I think this is in part due to my nickname, "SexDrgsPoker", which is good for being slightly intimidating on the online poker tables, but maybe not so appropriate for forums like this. So, sorry if my nickname has offended anyone here; please just think of me as "ExerbentGuy" instead (can't really change my whole blog nickname on So thanks for not being too bothered by this nickname.

MOONShadow said...

Hi Missikae-If you have read my profile at all (don't blamey you if you haven't-not very interestin' readin')-then you know I am laid up a bit. More than that, I have been proverbially stopped dead in my tracks, as it were. Before becoming so debilitated, I was at the gym three or four times a week, and was thin, but had to work hard to maintain it.

Since becoming disabled, 'specially the past few months, bed-bound, I have put on 25 pounds. I now have a herniated disc, and may be facing surgery, and must, must lose weight!! I found a great weight loss site, and I am very skeptical of weight loss sites, but this one really struck a chord.

It is affiliated with

It has everything-I mean everything-you could ever want or dream of to help you lose weight! I am gloriously having a ball here in my bed figuring and caluculating. As I can get up a bit here and there daily, I am working that into my excercise count (everything counts as the burn!). Check it out, and see if you like it. Might not be for everyone, but thought I'd share it with you, as I remember you asked for suggestions. Best of luck, you are doing great!

Tips for endurance? hmm, I seem to remember overall strengthening and cardiovascular conditioning as the best thing for that type of endurance (I used to hike and bike, if you can believe it). Is your 5K for a cause? I should do that this summer, is there any legality against being in an electric wheelchair?

Night Owl Mama said...

good luck to you. We should all work on getting in shape. AND can't wait to hear about that race. I too should really start exercising. I used to do it faithfully til these children came along

I'm not fat, I'm fluffy said...

I love and hate Superbowl Sunday. It just seems that there is so much food and alcohol running around! It gets me every year except this one, cuz I was working and didn't watch it! :D

You said you got your tubes untied a few years ago? Can you tell me who did the surgery? We think we have found the doctor we want to use, but he is the most expensive in the nation, of course, but he has the highest success rate.

Anyway, good luck, I am right there with you!