Monday, February 23, 2009

Not Losing.....Help!

I have been getting very discouraged with the LACK of weight loss I'm seeing.  I know I'm not doing things perfectly, but I should be seeing more weight loss.  So, here's the thing!  I might have hypothyroidism.  My Dr. had mentioned this to me before (on a couple occasions actually), but I never got the blood work done.  I have an appointment this Friday though, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this may actually be the problem.  It would explain a lot of other health issues I have, and it seems easily treatable.  It would be a blessing to find out WHY I cannot seem to lose the weight......  I'll keep you posted.


SexDrgsPoker said...

Hi, Missikae:

Dang a whole week went by with no followup comments on your post. Sorry about that; I'd expected to see tons of advice. But please don't get too discouraged; weight loss will happen if you keep at it.

My only advice would be to seek advice from your health care provider. I was lucky enough to land under the care of someone who was already aware of weight control and type 2 diabetes issues.

Just tell them what you've been doing and ask what things more, less, or different to do to see some better results.

I also had some thyroid issues and have taken meds for it, but that single thing for me unfortunately was not what helped me start losing weight (as you know it was just daily vigorous exercise, much less sugar, and a healthier diet).

There are lots of folks rooting for you to have better success so don't give up! I had few results for 2.5 years, then it took weeks for me at first to see any results from increased exercise frequency, but then the small successes kept building on each other as positive reinforcement.


Missikae said...

Thanks for your encouragement! The dr. had some blood work done, and she wants to see me Monday face to face to go over the results, so I'll keep you posted.

MOONShadow said...

Good luck and God bless-keep us posted. Montreal

Cheryl Ann said...

Hi, how are you doing now? I couldn't get motivated during the winter, but now I have started WW and can get outside to exercise.

SexDrgsPoker said...

Hi, Missikae:

Hope all is well with you and your family and that you haven't given up totally; summertime is here and great possibilities exist for outdoor exercise! Even in the higher elevation I live at (7200 feet) and cooler temps, I've been able to get going outdoors with my trike this season.

Between February and April I have been struggling weight-loss-wise despite continued workouts. After some thought I decided it was likely due primarily to weight training and too much wine consumption :-). So the past few weeks I've cut out these things and my weight is dropping again. I have more details about this in my latest blog entry.

So I remembered that weight training was part of your routine and was thinking that dropping weight training and sticking to aerobic exercise for now might be a route to better success for you also. Dunno--just a suggestion.

Take care!