Friday, January 16, 2009

1 more down....74 to go!

I didn't get a chance to post yesterday, but I did weigh in yesterday morning. Down to 204 - a 1 pound loss. Not too good for the beginning of a diet, that's for sure! Any suggestions?


SexDrgsPoker said...

Hi, Missikae: Happy New Year and congrats on your weight loss to date! 2.5 pounds since 1/1/09 is awesome, IMHO.

Don't get too discouraged about unexpected weigh-in results. I've seen my weight vary by as much as 6 pounds over a 24-hour period; we want results in the long-term. I have put my thoughts on weighing in here.

And, about one of your previous posts, YES definitely consider 60 minutes of housework the equivalent of a workout. I count mowing, shoveling, and cleaning and I definitely work up a sweat just vacuuming my 1-story house, which takes about 45 minutes.

Again, WTG and keep up the good work!


MOONShadow said...

I know its not orthodox, but when I need to loose a few pounds quick, I have a latte for breakfast with splenda (8 oz milk for 100 calories) sprinked with cinnamon and nutmeg-(I have a latte machine, which helps, but you could hop in the car and go to Dunkins and get a small Latte Lite for 90 calories, take it home, and put the cinnamon and nutmeg on yourself). I have a blender shake for lunch with a scoop of chocolate slim fast, 8 oz milk, 1/2 banana, 1 cup unsweetened frozen or fresh strawberries, 1/3 cup unsweetened canned pineapple and two-three ice cubes, blend until smooth- for 350 calories (it tastes just like a banana split-no lie, and makes a HUGE amount) I then have a low fat dinner (usually around 400 calories). If I am hungry at night, I will raid my 100 calorie snacks, which are sugar free pudding, microwave popcorn, individually packaged 100 calorie whatevers that you can buy at the store-I try to limit myself to one, but will allow two. That is a total of 950 calories in one day. For fluids, I drink water, sugar free ginger ale, or Crystal Lite. For excercise, if I can't get to a gym, which I can't do anymore anyway, I will wash the floors, vacuum, and/or scrub the tub. Scrubbing the tub and shower walls is especially calorie consuming and is my personal favorite There is no reason you can't do it everyday. Why not? After a week or so of disciplining myself on this diet, I have not only lost pounds, I have jump started myself on the diet wheel and off the bad eating roller coaster. It is a nice way to break out of bad habits and you don't do it long enough to say you are not eating well. While you are doing it, you can plan your diet approach for afterwards, such as Eating for LIfe, which is basically what I follow now, or whatever one works for you. Best of all, you DO loose pounds, and that feels good. Oh, yes, take some vitamins, too.

Tonya said...

Congrats on your new adventure! I will be watching you and cheering you on!!! I need to lose 100 pounds and just can't seem to find the UMPF to do it. You are inspiring me. Do you watch the Biggest Loser...I see you have Jillians book or dvd.
Go girl Go!!


Chicknfillet said...

I agree. One lb weight lose is going in the right direction. Are you measuring yourself? My biggest weight drop didn't show and I was SO discouraged until I took out the measuring tape. I have never lost more than 2 lbs in one week and mostly only lose 1/2-1 lbs a week. It's real slow with me. So, hang in there and don't let it get you down.

Sue said...

Hey! What's going on? No post since January 16th???

Missikae said...

Thanks for your comments everyone. As you will see from my January 31st post, I had not posted because I wasn't seeing progress. Chicknfilet - I still had not found my measuring tape that went MIA, but I will buy one tomorrow and measure. My pants do feel a bit looser, and I feel stronger. Montrealmoon, thanks for the latte tip. Sounds delicious! SexDrgsPoker, thanks for your encouragement. I have been reading your blog also! Tonya - I do watch the Biggest Loser when I have time, but not every week like I would like. Are you a fan of the show? It's amazing how much weight the contestants lose. They work for it though! Hey Sue! Thanks for checking in. Check back, and you will see more frequent posts. Hope all is well!