Monday, December 8, 2008

The T-shirt

In January 2008, I had the same resolution as 2009. I was going to lose weight and get fit! I joined Curves for Women. If you don't know, Curves is a women's only gym that uses a circuit training approach. The machines are in a circle, and you round the circle twice. The workout is somewhere around a half hour. Being the motivated person that I thought I was, I planned to go 4-5 times per week. They recommend at least 3 times for results, so I was going to be one hot mama going 4-5 times, right? They had started a t-shirt of the month that month, and I just HAD to have the January shirt. I would get every month's t-shirt. After all, I was going to be their prize student. I put my order in right away, but the T was on backorder. No worries, I would be back to pick it up. Long story short, I did pick it up at my next November. Well, here I sit a year later at the same exact weight wearing my January t-shirt. The shirt reads, "This is my year!", by the way. Pathetic!!!!!

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